Stop Overfishing!


Fishing Trawler
     Overfishing is a serious problem in the world's oceans. Fishing is a large industry and supports almost one billion people worldwide. Many people eat fish as a main part of their diet. To keep up with the high demand for fish, stores hire fishermen that use fishing nets and huge ships to catch fish by the thousands. As a result, the oceans are suffering because of overfishing. If people don't stop catching so many fish at once we will be left with a world without marine life. Can you imagine a world with no fish? Fish are a good source of protein yet are low in fat and cholesterol. You could always just get used to not eating fish but could a shark? Could a bear? You may not care about either of those predators, but no more fish means no more fishing. Many people rely on fishing for their jobs. The fish market is part of our economy. Some people need fish to survive. We need to bring awareness to overfishing because if people don't care until the fish are gone, by then it will be too late.